
The basic premise of this website is to explore the challenges of writing as they occur.

As someone who has been reading and consuming stories of all kinds since childhood, I was always fascinated by the easy way in which authors and writers crafted such beautiful worlds and entertaining characters for people like myself to enjoy. It wasn’t until later than I care to admit, that I began to understand that the words I read didn’t just effortlessly flow from the fingers of these men and women and straight onto a paperback. I’m not sure why it took so long for such a comically obvious realization to occur to me, but I do know that when it did, it came all at once. One minute the idea that I could write a book seemed an almost gross impossibility, and in the next, felt eminently possible. Terrifying to be sure, but possible. I can’t remember what triggered it. Maybe I ran aground on a particularly good idea for a story, or found my way to an unanticipated block of free time. Perhaps like others, I simply read a book so glaringly bad that I couldn’t help but find the confidence in myself to do better. More than likely, I got out of my own way for a bit and decided to have a little fun. Whatever the case, I began to write. It did not come easy in the beginning, and I almost lost the thread in the early going as I found the ratio of satisfaction to soul-crippling dismay to be pretty unacceptable. Eventually though, the ratio began to even out. What came of that writing will be posted to this website in all of its various forms, from first draft to last, and its purpose is simple. To show/remind any aspiring writers(myself included) that it never comes out all at once, but over time, and with setbacks and multiple revisions. And if the only thing I accomplish is to show you a book that is so glaringly bad that it gives you confidence to begin writing yourself, then dammit, so it goes. The website is meant for others as much as it is for myself, so please, enjoy.
