Cape Beggars Journey

Chapter 2 (Friends IV)

~500 Words

“Chresos,” said Bal choosing something common. “The guy with the ponytail and the…” He mimed the wearing of a cape.

“A cape?” Offered the tall one, arms crossed.

Bal could not help but notice that neither of them bothered looking for the man Bal had pointed too.

“Come on,” Bal pleaded, “he’s right there.”

“Nah, I think he meant a cloak,” said the squat one.

Bal threw his hands up.

“Did you mean a cape or cloak?” Asked the tall one.

“Either? Both? Does it matter?”

“Mmmh. Musta missed em. Bout you Vigil?” Asked the squat one.

“No idea,” said Vigil, leaning in. “What kind of puffed up twat wears a cape anyway?” Vigil’s split lip curled as he spoke.

“But you’re wearing a cape,” said Bal. It was all he could do not to tell the two guards that their ridiculous clothing made them look like every puffed up twat that Bal had ever encountered.

“Cloak,” said Vigil as he lifted the hanging cloth.

Bal opened his mouth, but Vigil stopped him.

“Back up,” said Vigil. “Your friend… Chresos was it?”

“Yea.” Bal took an unconscious step backwards.

Vigil leaned in, arms folded. “If this Chresos meant for you to join him, you’d think he’d be here right now pressing it with you,” Vigil cast a hand out to the side. “And yet…”

“Yes bu-” Bal began.

“And seeing,” the squat one interjected. “As nobody said fuck all to either of us, it might just be time for you to piss off and crawl back to whatever hole you call home before we provide you with a shortcut.”

Resigned, Bal offered the slightest of bows then went back the way he had come. He sagged a bit at having to retreat, but told himself that he was alive and on his way home with a trove of valuable information. He could explain his absence to Dalbo in the morning, and wheedle a not insignificant amount of rai from him in the process. The thought brought a smile to his lips that died as quickly as it had been summoned.

The days light was fading as fast as his energy, and he was as deep in the Pitts as he’d ever been in his life. Seasons removed from being familiar with it’s swaying, labyrinth-like paths, Bal was going to have to navigate the most dangerous city in the Aerodin Empire during the middle of the night. What’s more, without the guidance of Maize, he was most assuredly lost.

He looked out through the misty contours and geometric lines of the Pitts, and sighed.

